Installing the Braintree Python module

Braintree provides a Python module that simplifies dealing with its API. The source code is located at We are going to integrate the payment gateway into our project using the braintree module.

Install the braintree module from the shell using the following command:

pip install braintree==3.45.0

Add the following settings to the file of your project:

# Braintree settingsBRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID = 'XXX'  # Merchant IDBRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY = 'XXX'   # Public KeyBRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY = 'XXX'  # Private keyfrom braintree import Configuration, EnvironmentConfiguration.configure(    Environment.Sandbox,    BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID,    BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY, BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY ...

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