Appendix B

Handy Super Resources and ATO Publications

Y ou’re never alone when you run your own super fund, because plenty of resources are available to help you understand the super laws, and you can even connect with other SMSF trustees and investors.

This appendix gives you the details of the only independent superannuation website for consumers in Australia — SuperGuide — and the contact details of some excellent not-for-profit organisations that can provide you with useful free (and in some cases, not free) information about different aspects of super, including DIY super. Also for your easy reference, I include a complete list of all ATO SMSF publications mentioned throughout this book, and the publication numbers of those documents.

SuperGuide — Did You Say Independent, and Free?

Have you heard of the mugrump? My mother uses the term to describe a fence-sitter — a person who has his mug (face) on one side of the fence and his rump (behind) on the other side of the fence.

One of the benefits of being a mugrump is that you can see over both sides of the fence — you’re not biased or influenced by what’s happening on a particular side of the fence. Providing independent information is very similar to fence-sitting and, in the finance industry, independence is a rare commodity.

check_the_net I passionately believe that Australians are entitled to independent information about something as ...

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