Appendix Two

Abbreviations and Acronyms

ent unknown or zero
~ approximately
< less than
> greater than
1012 tera (T)
1015 peta (P)
1018 exa (E)
103 kilo (k)
106 mega (M)
109 giga (G)
AC alternating current
API American Petroleum Institute
B/d barrels/day
bbl barrel
bcm billion cubic meters
billion 109
BOO build, own, operate
BOT build, operate, transfer
bscf billion standard cubic feet
Btu British thermal unit
BWE Bundesverband Wind -Energy
CH4 Methane
CHP combined production of heat and power
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
cm centimeter
CNG compressed natural gas
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
Convention ...

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