

ACLs (access control lists), 18-20

Rinda, 59-61

ActiveRecord model

callbacks, 54

MapReduce, 105-110

AMQP (Advanced Message Queueing Protocol), 163-165, 196

distributed loggers, building, 178-180

documentation, 168

fanout queues, 193-195

Hello World application, 167-178

message queues, subscribing to, 184-187

persisted queues, 180-184

Quison, 180


installing, 165-166

stopping, 168

topic queues, 187-192

Apache Hadoop project, MRToolkit, 104


“Distributed Logger” example, 9-10

AMQP, 178-180

Distribunaut, 120-126

DRb, 7-9

Java RMI, 4-7

RingyDingy, 82-84

Starfish, 96-99

Starling, 157-158

distributed queuing services, Starfish, 99-103

“Hello World” example, 4-9

AMQP, 167-178

Distribunaut, 117-120

Rinda, 38-44

RingyDingy, ...

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