
Thanks to Haki Berkeri for the pizza, Pepsi, and the good advice that kept me going when nothing else was.

I also owe thanks to Weldon for Wednesday, Dee for all the days in between. Rudy for the rides and for sticking with Hanzo. David Letterman for letting me be on his show (and for Stephen Colbert, I hope). Del Rhea and Lee for their love of rodents who hang out at the mall. I’d like to thank Dana G. for the UBER help in Denver. Sarah K. for being my supervising adult. Thomas Lim for the awesome Pizza Hut lunch in Singapore. Thanks Jeff M. & Dave K. for the two near death experiences climbing to the top of the Great Wall of China! Brittney J. thanks for being a great family friend (and enabling my Ruffles addiction). Jeff ...

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