

3Ms, 10

4B (Four B), 265


Aalto University, 267

abrasion, creative, 258

abstract patterns, identifying, 159

access, distribution channels and resources, 150

accommodating learners, 67, 7071

characteristics and strengths, 75

paucity of, 74

accountability, building during strategic planning, 26

acquire, drive to, 57

action research, 8, 25

activities as element of Business Model Canvas, 168

adaptive toolbox, 128, 140

adaptive tools, 137, 139

adoption, technology, 213

adult stores, improving overall experience, 201202

advertising as component of holistic experience, 200

advisors, 151

advocacy, word-of-mouth, 257

advocates, brand, 45

A-E-I-O-U exercise, 133

aesthetic value, 149

Agile Software Manifesto, 122

agile software revolution, ...

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