B. Glossary of Acronyms

Bloggers often use acronyms and other shortcuts when composing their blog posts or when commenting on other blogs. This is partly to save time and keystrokes, but it also serves as a kind of argot that signals inclusion in a select group.

AFAIK   as far as I know

BMG   be my guest

BRB   be right back

BTW   by the way

FWIW   for what it’s worth

FYI   for your information

F2F   face-to-face

IIRC   if I recall correctly

IMHO   in my humble opinion

IMNSHO   in my not so humble opinion

IMO   in my opinion

IOW   in other words

IRL   in real life

JK   just kidding

K   okay

L8R   later

LMAO   laughing my ass off

LOL   laughing out loud

MOL   more or less

NBD   no big deal

OT   off topic

POV   point of view

ROTFL   rolling on the ...

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