7Weakly Subcritical BPREs

7.1. Introduction

In this chapter, we consider one more important class of BPREs, namely, weakly subcritical BPREs. We show that the methods, developed in Chapter 5 for criticality, are also available for weak subcriticality.

We recall the definition of the standardized truncated second moment of F :


and assume throughout this chapter the validity of the following condition:

ASSUMPTION W1.– The process Z is weakly subcritical, that is, there is a number 0 < β < 1 such that

and also


As we have x xeβx with strict inequality for x ≠ 0, Assumption [7.1] implies


Thus, the associated random walk image has a negative drift with respect to images. Also, we have, for λβ, the inequality eλxeβx +βxeβx(λβ), due to the convexity of the exponential function and with strict inequality for x ≠ 0. It follows [eλX] > [eβX]. Thus, letting

and choosing λ = 0 and 1, we obtain ...

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