6.10. Exercises for Chapter 6

Exercise 6.1. [WID 85]

An adaptive filter is characterized by:

image correlation matrix of data

image intercorrelation vector

and image DK being the desired output

1) Give the cost expression image.

2) Calculate the optimal vector image.

3) Give the expression of minimum cost image.

4) Calculate the values proper to R.

5) Determine the proper vectors in such a way that matrix Q of the proper vectors be “normalized” (that is to say QQT = I), these vectors representing the principal axes of the family of ellipses.

6) Give the limits of μ convergence parameter used in the algorithm of stochastic gradient.

Solution 6.1.

1) image.

2) image.

3) .

4) .

5) .

6) 0<μ<1/3.

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