5.4. Resolution and calculation of the IIR filter

In order to do this we are going to carry out a pre-whitening of the observation signal.

Firstly let us recall a definition: we say that rational function A(z) represents a minimum phase system if A(z) and image are analytical in the set image, i.e. if the zeros and poles of A(z) are within the unit disk.

Furthermore the minimum phase system and its inverse are stable.

Paley-Wiener theorem

Given a function SYY(z) verifying when z = e:

image real function and ≥ 0;


Therefore, there is a causal sequence an of the transform in z, A(z) which verifies:


image represents the variance of a white noise and A(z) represents a minimum phase system. In addition, the factorization of SYY(z) is unique.

A(z) being a minimum phase system, image is causal and analytical in . Since ...

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