A/B roll printing process, 510

Above and below the line costs, 362

Abstraction, 63

Academy 35 mm, 148

Academy Awards, 18

Acknowledgments, 558

Acquisition on film, 364

Acquisition on video, 364367

Acted upon and the actor, 5758


for the camera, 14

in isolation, 287

relaxed, 13

see also Actors; Learning about acting

Acting in Film: an Actor's Take on Movie-Making (BBC TV tape, NY: Applause Theatre Publishers), 13


and lines of character, 336337

planning for, 137138

Action match editing, 52

Active verbs, 337

Actor and the acted upon, 5758

Actor-centered films, 162166

actors improvising, 164166

integrating the cast into the script, 162164

see also Screenwriting; Writing process


costs of, 10

and crews, 385

and ...

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