Chapter 4

Keeping a Positive Attitude

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding that success is all in your attitude

arrow Breaking through self-doubt

arrow Avoiding self-sabotage

When you first start your business, you want to see as many people as you can. And when you see these people, you need to be enthusiastic about your new adventure because others will mirror the energy you put out. If you want others to be drawn to you and the products and services you offer, you must be positive.

Having a positive attitude makes you likeable and it makes others feel confident about doing business with you. Even in the midst of challenging times and obstacles, you need to challenge yourself to assume the best about your company, your products, and your ability to be successful.

Staying Successful: Attitude Is Everything

For almost everything, I estimate that 80 percent of your success is wrapped up in your attitude. And I know for a fact that the attitude you choose to have will either attract people to you or cause them to not want to do business with you.

warning Every morning when you wake up, you have the power to ...

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