Realizing Why You Need a Portfolio

remember.eps Before I dive into how to build a portfolio, a collection of your photographs to show clients, it’s important to understand why you need one in the first place. Here are the two main reasons why a portfolio is necessary:

check.png Establishing credibility: Imagine for a moment a budding young photographer named Jill. Jill desperately wants to be a wedding photographer, and upon hearing an acquaintance announce her engagement, Jill contacts the bride-to-be and offers her services as a wedding photographer. The bride-to-be takes Jill’s offer into consideration and asks Jill to see a sample of her work. Jill replies, “Oh, I’m a brand new photographer so I don’t have any samples to show you yet.” What do you think her chances are of being hired by the bride-to-be? Not good.

Having a good portfolio establishes credibility with people you hope to work with in the future. Though not completely out of the realm of possibility, you’re not likely to find a couple who is willing to hire a photographer who has no portfolio to show his or her capabilities. A bride and groom want to feel confident that the person they hire to capture one of the most important days of their life will be able to deliver quality photographs.

Luring potential clients: A solid portfolio can ...

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