Placing Your Images on the Web

If you’ve decided that you’d much rather share your images with your clients through the Internet, this section covers two different types of galleries available. I also cover how you can use Facebook to share wedding photos with your clients and their families.

Sending your clients’ images through PASS

Every once in a while I come across an idea so brilliant it makes me wish I’d thought of it first! PASS is one such idea.

PASS is a program used for sharing your photos online and allows you to quickly upload an entire wedding and immediately share it with your clients. It comes with some unique features that allow your clients to share their photos on Facebook (while giving you photography credit on every image), download high-resolution pictures from their gallery (a feature you can choose to turn on or off), and even view their entire wedding gallery on their mobile device with the download of a free PASS app. It also offers benefits to you as the photographer because the program backs up all your images, and it comes without a monthly membership fee. Instead of a membership, you pay $29 or $99 per event (depending on how many years you want the gallery to be available online), which you can roll into the cost of each wedding package you offer. (See Chapter 15 for details on creating wedding packages.)

You can find PASS at and create an account and download the program by clicking on Download & Pricing. After you have your ...

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