Herding Cats (Also Known as Shooting Portraits)

In This Chapter

arrow Controlling the chaos of formal portraits

arrow Capturing the important shots

arrow Keeping everyone relaxed during the portrait session

On a perfect wedding day, the formal portraits are a breeze. You have a couple who loves being in front of the camera and works it like models. The family shows up on time (or even early) looking spick-and-span with cheery faces and children who’ve all had their naps. But unless the stars align or you have some crazy mojo, the portraits are going to feel a whole lot more like herding cats.

The formal portraits are, without a doubt, the most hectic part of the wedding day. As the photographer, you’re tasked with sticking to a tight schedule while organizing large groups of people whose names you don’t know and who may or may not show up for their pictures at the correct time. Navigating the formal portraits requires the ability to stick to an organized plan, think quickly, and keep calm in the midst of chaos.

In this chapter I cover the steps you can take before the wedding day to prepare for ...

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