
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively


Advanced Video Codec (AVC), 126
Aliasing, 14 See also Nyquist sampling rule
spinning wheel experiment, See Spinning wheel experiment
Alpha blending, 49
alpha frame, 50
alpha values, 50
background pixel, 52
composite frame, 52
physical background, 51–52
subject sits, 52
video processing, 52
blend frame, 50
composite frame, 50
composite pixel, 50
hardware implementation, 51
background pixel, 51
composite pixel, 51, 51f
composite pixel color components, 51, 52f
composite pixel creation, 51
using equation, 51
foreground pixel, 51
multiplier in hardware, 51
pixel value, 51
re-arrangement, 51
logo from frames, 50
math behind, ...

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