
0-order hold, 154

3 dB cut-off frequency, 584

6 dB per bit rule, 272

\ operator, 397

2D-DFT, 204

2D-DTFT, 203, 204

2D-IDTFT, 203

3-sigma rule, 258, 358

ACP, 508

ADC, 51

Addition (of matrices), 29


bit reverse, 79

Affine, 291

trend (suppressing), 646


Burg, 334

coding, 539

Durbin, 338

deterministic gradient, 421

gradient (convergence condition), 421

gradient, 420, 525

Kalman recursive, 446

Kalman, 449

Levinson, 312, 338, 408

LMS, 430, 438

overlap-add, 171

overlap-save, 169

recursive (Kalman), 518

stochastic gradient, 438

RLS, 402

Aliasing, 55

temporal, 150, 606

All-pass, 130

All-pole, 305, 466

Alpha layer, 188

AM, 95

Ambiguity, 59

AMI, 547

Amplitude modulation, 95

Analog-to-Digital Converter, 51

Analysis (principal components), 503

AND (logical), 194

Antenna, 379

Anti-aliasing, 57, 286


sequence, 44

signal, 44, 731


(sequence), 65

AR, 302, 305, 306, 331, 334, 337, 364, 410, 436, 461, 485, 660, 685, 698, 710

AR process, 436

AR1, 310

ARMA, 302, 305

Autocorrelation, 275

Autocovariance, 275

estimation, 317

hermitian symmetry, 279

positive nature, 295, 304

positivity, 279

Toeplitz matrix, 282

Autoregressive, 302, 305, 306, 331, 334, 337, 364, 410, 461, 465, 485, 660, 685, 698, 710

Backward error, 313, 412


base, 539

limited WSS rp, 285

Narrow, 379

pass, 144

stop, 144

transition, 144

useful, 56

Band-limited, 300

signal, 52


(filter), 128

Bandwidth, 128

Bar chart, 261

Baud, 539

BER, 544, 562

Bessel, 98

Best Linear Unbiased Estimator ...

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