Online Video: Delivering Emotional Engagement

“As soon as I could see we were making as much or more money each day than we spent on ads on YouTube, I knew we had something.”

—Jeffrey Harmon, CMO, Orabrush, as quoted in the New York Times, September 27, 2010

Only about 40 percent of large U.S. marketers are using online video today, and the percentage is much smaller among small businesses. Similarly, the investment in advertising dollars in the video channel is relatively small. However, marketer participation and spending levels will grow rapidly over the next few years as broadband penetration rates continue to climb, technologies and ad formats converge, and more advertiser-friendly content pours online.

In fact, no other advertising channel—online or offline—is growing faster than online video. And for good reason. Using online video, marketers can bring together the powerful emotional elements of television—featuring sight, sound, and motion—with the uniquely interactive capabilities of the Internet. Moreover, compared with traditional television, web video promises better audience measurement, improved targeting, and, of course, rich opportunities for viral sharing of your message across the web. At least that’s the potential.

Done correctly, an online video presence can help you foster a rich, emotional connection with your consumers, boost your brand awareness, lure prospective customers, and help solidify support among your brand loyalists.

In this chapter, ...

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