Scene-Based Color Encoding Specifications

The fundamental characteristics of scene-based color encoding specifications often make them the best choice for representing color within an imaging system. In particular, scene-based color encoding specifications are well suited for representing color at the initial stages of imaging systems where editing, compositing, and other forms of image manipulation are to be performed. Two representative scene-based color encoding specifications, Kodak PhotoYCC color interchange space and RIMM/ERIMM, are described in this appendix.

Kodak PhotoYCC color interchange space

Although designed and developed specifically for the Kodak Photo CD system, Kodak PhotoYCC color interchange space became widely used in numerous professional applications for the interchange of color images. This is understandable because its principal features—large color gamut and extensive luminance dynamic range, support for image compression, minimal quantization effects, fast output to softcopy displays—are important in professional imaging applications. Equally important is the fact that colors encoded in terms of PhotoYCC space values essentially represent original-scene colorimetry. However, because it is a fully defined appearance-based color encoding specification that includes specified encoding reference viewing conditions, Kodak PhotoYCC color interchange space also can be used to represent reproduced colors as well as other types of colors, regardless of their ...

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