

Adobe Bridge (Photoshop), viewing unifying factors, 14

Airbrush (Painter), for collage

assembly, 378


Epson StoryTeller Book, 504

handmade options, 505–506

iPhoto books, 503

Kolo albums, 504–505

overview, 502–503

Apply Surface Texture (Painter)

in collage assembly, 384–385

in Painter/Photoshop collages, 396

for texture addition, 285

Art History Brush (Photoshop)

for painterly edge effects, 313

for painting, 197–204

techniques, 552–558

for textured painting, 210–221

Artistically challenged artists, Painter techniques for, 323–328

Artist Pastel Chalk (Painter)

for photocopy-inspired painting, 302–308

for simple cloning, 241–249

Artist profiles

Audrey S. Bernstein, 172–175

Bill Hall, 159–165

Bobbi Doyle-Maher, 76–89, 493

Cher Threinen-Pendarvis, ...

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