

ABBA Story, 44–7

Additive colour imagery, 81–2

Aperture, 97, 154

Aperture level, 130, 160

Arri Lens Control System, 71

Arri matte boxes, 70, 71

Assign switch, 157

ATW (Automatic Tracing White), 181

Audio warning, 179

Auto iris override, 127, 156

Auto shading, 138

Axis number, 167


Back focus checks, 67–70

Battery warning, 172

Beam splitter, 84–6

Black balance, 97

Black gamma, 155

Black gamma range, 166

Blue black gamma, 166

Blue gain, 171

Blue gamma, 165


Cam. ret. function, 126, 155

Camera, 81–91

additive colour imagery, 81–2

camera head, 84–6

image sensors, 86

image signal, 89–90

internal circuitry, 90–1

resolution, 82–4

sensor chip, 88–9

See also Specific cameras

Camera assistant, 49

Camera base plate, 66–7

Camera checks, 67

Camera ...

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