
The rationale of replacing signal analog processing by digital, worth doing when-ever it is feasible, is well known. The benefits that can be obtained are usually significant. Digital signal processing (DSP) technology is widely used in the application range characterized by relatively low frequencies and other accept-able application conditions. However, ‘going digital’ becomes more difficult and even problematic as application demands grow. Some nontraditional methods, techniques and algorithms are suggested in this book for widening the digital domain over the application area where analog signal processing techniques still prevail.

Much attention is paid to resolving the problems caused by overlapping of periodically sampled signal frequencies. This effect, known as aliasing, restricts application of the conventional digital signal processing methods and techniques to the frequency range where the achievable sampling rate could at least twice exceed the higher frequency present in the spectrum of the signal to be digitized and processed digitally. Attempts to eliminate the harmful impact of aliasing have led to the development of digital technology for signal processing, specifically the technology called digital alias-free signal processing, or DASP. This strengthens the competitiveness of digital techniques considerably. Successful use of special digitizing techniques for the elimination of aliasing has been an object lesson showing the significance of digitizing ...

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