
Note: Page numbers with “f” denote figures; “t” tables.


Adhesion forces, 108
Advanced spray development, 126–133
damage threshold, 129–133, 129f–130f
droplet energy density, 127–128, 128f–129f
Aerobic microorganisms, 143
Aerosol spray cleaning, 116
Alkyl groups, 8
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), 141
Ammonia peroxide mixtures (APM), 115, 122–123
Ammoniums, 6t
quaternary, 7f
toxicity of, 25f
Anaerobic microorganisms, 143
Anions, 6t, 7–8
Aprotic ionic liquids (AILs), 9–10
Archaea, 141
Art objects/structures, cleaning of, 155
Artworks, cleaning of
using ionic liquids, 39
using microemulsions, 97–98
Atomic force microscopy (AFM), 113–114, 114f, 130
Azoliums, ...

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