image ISO 8601 Date Format Output

Here is the ANSI C code for getting the current date and printing it in ISO form:

// Create time storage structs time_t now_t; struct tm now; // Read time value from system clock time(&now_t); //Convert to broken down time structure now = *localtime(&now_t); // Display formatted output printf("%4d-%02d-%02d",    now.tm_year+1900,    now.tm_mon+1,    now.tm_mday);

If you prefer to use Perl, here is the code for presenting the current date and time in UTC form:

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time);$t = sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02dZ\n", 1900+$year,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min;print ...

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