Chapter 16. Optimization Techniques


  • Optimization Rules

  • Profiling

  • HotSpot

  • Optimization Tricks

  • Memory Usage and the Garbage Collector

  • Perceived Performance

  • Summary

Back in the 19th century, an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto noticed something about the distribution of wealth in many countries: About 80% of the wealth was controlled by about 20% of the people.

Pareto's principle came to be known as the 80:20 rule, and since then, the basic idea has been applied to all sorts of other fields, including business sales, project management, and computer science.

What's that? Computer science, you say? Yup. The computer science version of this rule (or one of them, anyway) says that 80% of your program's time is spent in 20% of your code.

The good ...

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