Chapter 11. Collision Detection


  • Collision Basics

  • Object-to-Object Collisions

  • Object-to-World Collisions

  • Basic Collision-Detection Demo

  • Collision Handling with Sliding

  • Collision Detection with Sliding Demo

  • Enhancements

  • Summary

Remember Pong?

Whether it's a pong ball bouncing off a paddle, a laser hitting a robot, an adventurer falling down a pit, the hero finding some ammo, two monsters ramming into one another, or just the player walking into a wall, you're going to need some sort of collision detection in almost any game.

In Chapter 5, “Creating a 2D Platform Game,” you made some basic 2D collision detection that worked well for a 2D tile-based game. In this chapter, you'll expand on the ideas presented there, provide more thorough object-to-object ...

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