List of Acronyms

AC Alternating current

AFD Arc fault detection

API Application programming interface

APP Adjusted peak performance

ASR Alternative systems review

ASTD American Society for Training and Development

ATE Automatic test equipment

ATM Automated teller machine

BIST Built-in-self-test

BIT Built-in-test

BITE Built-in-test-equipment

BOM Bill of materials

CAN Controller area network

CB Competent body

CBMS Chemical and biological mass spectrometer

CBTL Competent body test lab

CCB Change control board

CDR Critical design review

CE Conformite Europeene

CEB Corporate Executive Board

CMMI Capability maturity model integration

COGS Cost of goods sold

COTS Commercial-off-the-shelf

CoDR Concept of design review

CPU Central processing unit ...

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