Once the course is underway, problems can still occur and learners still need help. Much of this help can come from the vendors whose tools you are using. But first you must help learners diagnose their problems, solve the simple ones, and contact vendors or others for support.

12.5.1. Designate a starting point

Give learners one place to start their search for support. This starting point can be a simple page that lists all available resources, or it can be the primary source of support itself. Here is one such design.

This drawing illustrates how learners are encouraged to start their search in the Help facility. Help not only contains useful information itself, but also has direct links to the course FAQ, tutorial, discussion group and other forms of support.

12.5.2. Create necessary support resources

Create and link together the resources learners need to diagnose and solve their own problems. Here are some resources learners may need:

  • Help file covering all the main procedures and tools of the course (p 506)

  • FAQs—Frequently Asked Questions file (p 508)

  • Tutorial or instructions on the course (p 509)

  • Discussion groups for technical problems

  • Interactive troubleshooting guide

  • Downloadable manuals for the course-delivery software, collaboration tools, and media players

  • Phone number and hours for Help desk

  • Web form for requesting assistance ...

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