

60-GHz wireless links, 292


à la carte services, 74-76

access control for network virtualization, 17

ACLs, 134

actors in cloud ecosystem, 60-61

adoption of cloud computing

drivers for, 35-37

enterprise benefits of, 232

impediments to, 68-69

security challenges to, 187-188

agility as driver for virtual network services, 153-154

agility metric (SLAs), 263-264

ALTO (application layer traffic optimization), 223-224

Apache Hadoop, 41


network APIs, 291-292

providing a la carte network services, 74-76

application hosting service providers, 256-257

application security, 118, 135. See also applications

client responsiveness, 149

HTTP tunneling, 119-120

web proxy servers, 121-124


chatty applications, 150

cloud applications, ...

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