Book Summary

Here is a summary of the book contents. Part One sets the stage with an introduction to the basic concepts of speech interface, sound, and language, and a discussion of how human factors impact these areas. Part Two covers available speech technologies and how to apply them. With these tools in hand, the boundaries and guidelines to using them in interface design are explained in Part Three. Part Four demonstrates best practices and techniques.

Part One

Part One: Introduction to Speech Interfaces contains information on speech technologies and human-computer interaction concepts, including

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts. Covers definitions of user interfaces, types of user interfaces, and definitions of speech interfaces;

Chapter 2: Human Factors in Speech Technology. Gives an overview of the field of human factors, covers the basic concepts of human computer interaction, and summarizes the major human factors issues in speech interfaces. Discusses cost/benefit calculations for usability engineering of speech interfaces;

Chapter 3: The Nature of Sound. Explains sound terminology and technology;

Chapter 4: The Nature of Language. Summarizes what we know about language and communication, including the structure of language, grammar, syntax, and semantics.

Part Two

Part Two: Speech Technology explains the current state of the field of speech, including

Chapter 5: Speech Technologies. Defines and describes the main terms in the field, including speech recognition, speech ...

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