Command (Chapter 24)

SOLUTION 24.1Java Swing applications commonly apply the MEDIATOR pattern, registering a single object to receive all GUI events. This object mediates the interaction of the components and translates user input into commands for business domain objects.
SOLUTION 24.2Your code should look something like:
 protected JMenu fileMenu() { if (fileMenu == null) { fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); Font f = SwingFacade.getStandardFont(); fileMenu.setFont(f); JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("Save"); save.setFont(f); fileMenu.add(save); save.addActionListener ( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { save(); } } ); JMenuItem load = new JMenuItem("Load"); load.setFont(f); fileMenu.add(load); load.addActionListener ...

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