

abs method, 26, 169–170

Absolute value, 26, 169–170

Abstract Factory pattern, 16, 239–241

Abstract syntax trees (ASTs) for parsers

building, 264–267

complex, 277

file-finding interpreters, 267–272

parser-less interpreters, 274–276

simple, 272–274

XML and YAML, 276–277

AbstractAdapter class, 173

Account class, 134

Account initialize method, 47

AccountProtectionProxy class

creating, 178–179

for delegation, 187–188

AccountProxy class, 186–187

ActiveRecord class

Adapter pattern, 173

and DSL, 295

factory method, 244–245

magic methods, 260

migration, 155–156

observers, 108

relationships, 310–311

ActiveSupport class

Decorator pattern, 205

Singleton pattern, 224–225

adapter_for method, 319–320

Adapter pattern and adapters, 16, 163

alternatives, ...

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