
Page numbers followed by f indicates a figure and t indicates a table.


Achieved status, 162
Acoustic recognition software, 22
Adaptive interfaces, 183
Adoption, 61
Aesthetics, 4, 86–89, 130–132
attract users, 88
attractive babies, 104
desirable, 130–131
interaction and, 86–89
of personality, 152–155
of product, 178
personality, 147
quality of, 88
Affective design, 19
Affective states, 6, 7, 45, 46f
Affordances, 148–149
Ambitious, 109
Anxiety, 42, 42f
process, 33f
theory, 32
Arousal, 31, 34–39, 35f, 43, 43f, 53, 66, 67f, 79
affects motivation, 54f
emotional, 143–144
guidelines for, 144–145
line, 156
motivation and, 69–70
Ascribed status, 162
Association and meaning, 54–55
Attention, 11–12, 39–41, 39f, 52, 59f, 61f
emotion and, ...

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