
5-E User Experience Model, 120, 121, 164165


actionable metrics, 72

active listening, 104

adapting to changes, 6

AEIOU framework, 118119, 121

Ahrens, Justin, 42, 45, 146, 149, 150

AIGA/Aquent salary survey, 6

American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), 6

Artefact Product Group, 66, 217

audience, 94123

logic models for researching, 112115

methods for researching, 99107

organizing data about, 116121

quick tips on defining, 123

strategy for researching, 108111

user-centered design and, 9597, 122, 123


Babington’s English Tea Rooms rebranding, 128137

goals, 128132

outcomes, 136137

outputs, 132135

Balanced Scorecard (BSC), 7578

Four Powers of Design model and, 7678

perspectives used in, 7576

Beltline Bike Shop brand makeover, ...

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