Configuring Rails for Production

When you ran the bin/rails server command, Puma started up with a nice set of defaults for development mode. But in production, you’ll want a more explicit configuration suited for your production deployment platform. In this section, you’ll create that platform and get Twitalytics ready for it.

To configure Puma, create a config/puma.rb file, open it in an editor, and put the following code in it:

 port ENV[​'PORT'​] || 3000
 environment ENV[​'RACK_ENV'​] || ​'development'
 threads (ENV[​"MIN_PUMA_THREADS"​] || 0), (ENV[​"MAX_PUMA_THREADS"​] || 16)

This sets the port, environment, and thread pool size based on environment variables. The defaults are intended ...

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