
End Keyword


asm Statements... end;
begin Statements... end;
case Expression of Case clauses... else Statements... end;
library Name; ... end.
package Name; requires Packages... contains Units... end.
program Name; ... end.
try Statements... except Exception clauses... else Statements... end;
try Statements... finally Statements... end;
type Name = class Declarations... end;
type Name = object Declarations... end;
type Name = record Declarations... end;
type Name = interface Declarations... end;
type Name = dispinterface Declarations... end;
unit Name; interface ... implementation ... end.


The end keyword ends just about anything that has multiple parts: blocks, class declarations, case statements, and so on. See the description of each keyword for details.

See Also

Asm Keyword, Begin Keyword, Case Keyword, Class Keyword, Dispinterface Keyword, Interface Keyword, Library Keyword, Object Keyword, Package Directive, Program Keyword, Record Keyword, Try Keyword, Unit Keyword

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