
$ReferenceInfo Compiler Directive


{$YD}                // default

{$ReferenceInfo Off} // default
{$ReferenceInfo On}




By default, the debugging information for a unit includes the definitions of all symbols declared in the unit. With the $ReferenceInfo directive, you can also store references to the symbols. With the reference information, the project browser can show you every use of a type, variable, subroutine, or other symbol.

You must enable $DefinitionInfo in order to use $ReferenceInfo. The $DefinitionInfo and $ReferenceInfo directives define three possible states of browser information. The $Y directive provides a shortcut for the three states:

  • The $YD directive is equivalent to enabling definitions and disabling references. This is the default.

  • The $Y+ directive is equivalent to enabling definitions and references.

  • The $Y- directive is equivalent to disabling definitions and references.

  • You cannot enable references without also enabling definitions, so there is no fourth state.

Definitions and references require that $DebugInfo and $LocalSymbols be enabled.

See Also

$DebugInfo Compiler Directive, $DefinitionInfo Compiler Directive, $LocalSymbols Compiler Directive

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