
$HppEmit Compiler Directive


(*$HppEmit String*)




Use the $HppEmit compiler directive to write String in the .hpp file for C++ Builder. The string is written to the user-supplied section at the top of the file. All the $HppEmit strings appear in the same order as their appearance in the .pas file.

You can use $HppEmit to include any text you want in the .hpp file, from additional #include directives to type declarations.


  TComplex = record
    Re, Im: Double;

// Define the structure differently in C++.
// Note the use of { and } in the HppEmit code, which would interfere
// in Pascal comments that use { and } because the comments do not
// recognize quoted strings. Use (* and *) instead.

{$ExternalSym TComplex}
(*$HppEmit 'struct TComplex {'*)
(*$HppEmit '  double Re;'*)
(*$HppEmit '  double Im;'*)
(*$HppEmit '  TComplex(double r=0, double i=0) : Re(r), Im(i) {}'*)
(*$HppEmit '};'*)

See Also

$ExternalSyms Compiler Directive, $NoDefine Compiler Directive, $NoInclude Compiler Directive

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