
$DefinitionInfo Compiler Directive


{$YD}                // default
{$DefinitionInfo On} // default
{$DefinitionInfo Off}




By default, the compiler records information about the definition of each symbol—type, variable, and subroutine—in a unit. The project browser and code explorer in the IDE let you browse and examine that information, peruse the symbols in a unit, or jump straight to the definition of a symbol.

With $DefinitionInfo off, you cannot use the browser or code explorer, but compile times and .dcu file sizes are reduced slightly. Definition information has no impact on the performance or size of the final .exe or .dll file.

The $DefinitionInfo and $ReferenceInfo directives define three possible states of browser information. The $Y directive provides a shortcut for the three states:

  • The $YD directive is equivalent to enabling definitions and disabling references. This is the default.

  • The $Y+ directive is equivalent to enabling definitions and references.

  • The $Y- directive is equivalent to disabling definitions and references.

  • You cannot enable references without also enabling definitions, so there is no fourth state.

In order to use definition info, you must also enable the $DebugInfo and $LocalSymbols compiler directives.

See Also

$DebugInfo Compiler Directive, $LocalSymbols Compiler Directive, $ReferenceInfo Compiler Directive

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