
TModuleUnloadProcLW Type


  TModuleUnloadProcLW = procedure(HInstance: LongWord);


You can register a callback procedure that Delphi calls when it unloads a package or project module. The procedure signature must match the TModuleUnloadProcLW type, that is, take a handle as an argument.

Tips and Tricks

For backward compatibility, Delphi overloads the AddModuleUnloadProc and RemoveModuleUnloadProc procedures to accept a callback procedure with a LongInt argument. For new code, be sure to use LongWord (or the Windows equivalents DWORD or THandle).


See AddModuleUnloadProc for an example.

See Also

AddModuleUnloadProc Procedure, RemoveModuleUnloadProc Procedure, TModuleUnloadRec Type

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