
Succ Function


function Succ(const Value): Ordinal type;


The Succ function returns the successor of an ordinal value, usually an enumerated value. That is, it returns the enumerated value whose ordinal value is one more than Value. Succ is not a real function.

Tips and Tricks

  • Inc, Succ, and addition by one have similar performance, so choose the one that you find most clear and easy to read.

  • Calling Succ(High( SomeType )) raises runtime error 4 (ERangeError). Without overflow checking, though, Succ returns a value with the desired ordinal value, even though that value is not valid for the type.


type TDay =
 (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday);
  Day: TDay;
  Day := Succ(Day);

See Also

Dec Procedure, High Function, Inc Procedure, Low Function, Pred Function, $OverflowChecks Compiler Directive, $Q Compiler Directive

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