
SetInOutRes Procedure


procedure SetInOutRes(Code: Integer);


The SetInOutRes procedure sets the I/O error code to Code. Calling IOResult returns this error code and then resets the code to zero.

Tips and Tricks

  • Each thread keeps its own I/O error code. Be sure to call SetInOutRes in the context of the correct thread.

  • Delphi reserves error codes 100-106 for its own I/O errors. (See IOResult for a description of these error codes.) For all other errors, use the standard Windows error codes.

  • Calling SetInOutRes does not raise the runtime error—it only stores the error code. If you want to report the I/O error, you must do that separately. See ErrorProc and RunError for examples of how to do this.


// Implement Seek on a text file.
procedure TextSeek(var F: TextFile; Position: Integer);
  Handle: Integer;
  NewPosition: DWORD;
  // A TextFile is actually a record whose first value is a handle.
  Handle := PInteger(@F)^;
  NewPosition := SetFilePointer(Handle, Position, nil, File_Begin);
  if NewPosition = $FFFFFFFF then
    ReportError(0); // zero means I/O error

See Also

ErrorProc Variable, File Keyword, IOResult Function, RunError Procedure, TextFile Type

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