
Chapter 1

1.  Bakos, Y. and Jager, P. de ‘Are computers boosting productivity?’ Computerworld, March 27th, 128–130, 1996. See also Quinn, J. and Baily, M. ‘Information technology: increasing productivity in services.’ Academy of Management Executive, 8, 3: 28–47, 1994.

2.  Brynjolfsson, E. ‘The productivity paradox of information technology.’ Communications of the ACM, 36, 12: 67–77, 1993.

3.  Brynjolffson, E. and Hitt, L. ‘Paradox Lost? Firm level evidence on the returns to information systems spending.’ In Willcocks, L. and Lester, S. (eds) Beyond The IT Productivity Paradox: Assessment Issues. McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead, 1998.

4.  Cron, W. and Sobol, M. ‘The relationship between computerization and performance: a strategy for maximizing ...

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