3.60. vxml

Element typevxml
Attributesapplication | base | version | xml:lang
Childrencatch | error | form | help | link | meta | menu | noinput | nomatch | property | script | var
DescriptionContains a VoiceXML document.


<!ELEMENT vxml       
  (%event.handler; | form | link | menu | meta | 
  property | script | var)+ >
<!ATTLIST vxml 
  application %uri;   #IMPLIED
  base        %uri;   #IMPLIED
  xml:lang    NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
  version     CDATA   #REQUIRED >

Language model


application : uri

Indicates that this VoiceXML document is an application leaf document of the specified application root document.

base : uri

The base URI for all relative URIs within this ...

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