3.56. transfer

Element typetransfer
Attributesaai | aaiexpr | bridge | cond | connecttimeout | dest | destexpr | expr | maxtime | name | transferaudio (2.0)
ChildrenPCDATA | audio | catch | enumerate | error | filled | grammar | help | noinput | nomatch | prompt | property | value
DescriptionTransfers the call to another phone number.


<!ELEMENT transfer (%audio; | %event.handler; | filled
                                 | grammar | prompt | property)* >
<!ATTLIST transfer
  dest           %uri;        #IMPLIED
  destexpr       %expression; #IMPLIED
  bridge         %boolean;    'false' 
  connecttimeout %duration;   #IMPLIED
  maxtime        %duration;   #IMPLIED 
  aai            CDATA
  aaiexpr        %expression
  transferaudio  %uri         #IMPLIED >

Language model


aai : CDATA

Application-to-application information to ...

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