
While things might seem very different at this point, training an LSTM is actually not any different than training a deep neural network on a typical cross-sectional problem:

LAGS=10df = read_data()df_train = select_dates(df, start="2017-01-01", end="2017-05-31")df_test = select_dates(df, start="2017-06-01", end="2017-06-30")X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = prep_data(df_train, df_test, lags=LAGS)model = build_network(sequence_length=LAGS)callbacks = create_callbacks("lstm_100_100"), y=y_train,          batch_size=100,          epochs=10,          callbacks=callbacks)"lstm_model.h5")

After preparing our data, we instantiate a network with the architecture we've walked through and then call fit on it as expected.

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