Building the discriminator

The discriminator is really for the most part the same as any other CNN that I have previously talked about. Of course, there are a few new things that we should talk about. We will use the following code to build the discriminator:

def build_discriminator(img_shape):    input = Input(img_shape)    x =Conv2D(32, kernel_size=3, strides=2, padding="same")(input)    x = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(x)    x = Dropout(0.25)(x)    x = Conv2D(64, kernel_size=3, strides=2, padding="same")(x)    x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=((0, 1), (0, 1)))(x)    x = (LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2))(x)    x = Dropout(0.25)(x)    x = BatchNormalization(momentum=0.8)(x)    x = Conv2D(128, kernel_size=3, strides=2, padding="same")(x)    x = LeakyReLU(alpha=0.2)(x)    x = Dropout(0.25)(x) x = BatchNormalization( ...

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