

Active exit strategy, 2223

Adair, R., 73

Adhocracy culture, 184185

Argyris, C., 92, 189


Batista, J., 67

Behavior: in cultures, 183189; of leaders, 148149; and vision, 197198

Bill, 5254

Bradford, R., 61

Branch, T., 163

Bread and salt, for vision, 198200, 210

British National Oil Company, 74

Brubaker, 121122, 124, 126

Brunner, J., 42

Bureaucratic culture, barrier of, 134135, 136

Burnout, and slow death, 20

Business schools, pressure for change in, 9295


Cameron, K. S., 182

Campbell, J., 4445

Cedrick, R., 7376

CEOs. See Leaders

Change: barriers to, 134136; first-order organizational, 141; first-order within-unit, 140; incremental, 3; in management style, 139140; resistance to, 133145; second-order organization-reframing, ...

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