
We genuinely appreciate your time and dedication to reading our offering on how you can make your own tough stuff that bit easier. There's no doubt in our minds that if you put into practice the concepts we've explored, you'll achieve better results in your tough conversations.

We know that avoiding the tough conversations doesn't make the situation go away, and often avoidance can actually mean that the situation becomes blown out of proportion. One of the reasons why people avoid dealing with the tough stuff is a concern about upsetting another person, or being upset by their reaction. Unfortunately, this approach doesn't allow either person the opportunity for greater connection and understanding.

Being an effective leader requires you to step up, address what's unsaid and look for strategies for moving forward. In your process of moving forward, don't forget the really important stuff though — it isn't results, and it isn't outcomes. It's the person right in front of you.

Mum was right … again

Remember when the most powerful reinforcer that drove your life was a few carefully chosen words of wisdom from mum? You're special. You're unique. You're the best little girl/boy in the whole world. Those few words made you feel great, didn't they?

Well it seems that mum's words of wisdom were exactly that: words of a futurist, prophet and professor all rolled into ...

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