
Many UDFs are available to analyze and manipulate spatial data. These functions can be called in SQL statements with Spatial Extender data types. Table 19.3 lists some of the UDFs.

Table 19.3. Spatial Extender UDFs
ST_AppendPointExtends the curve by a given point
ST_AsShapeReturns the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shape representation of a geometry
ST_AsTextReturns the text representation of a geometry
ST_BoundaryReturns the boundary geometry of a geometry
ST_CentroidReturns the geometric center of a geometry
ST_ChangePointChanges a point in a curve
ST_ConvexHullReturns the convex hull of a geometry
ST_CoordDimReturns the dimensionality of a geometry's coordinates
ST_DimensionReturns the dimensionality of a geometry ...

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